Register Your Domain - As with offline businesses, it is important to register your business name for several reasons: Firstly "Registering your business name prevents other people from using it" After spending months or even years building your brand and business, you don’t want someone else using your hard work and/or ruining your brand’s reputation by taking the same or similar name because you didn’t register your business name. Secondly, It's the law in most countries including United States and India. You can get your domain registered and hosting from reliable and players in this fast server market from (, and from most successful CMS (Content Management System) providers such as (,
Get a Second Business address - Getting a second address for your business indicates that you are keeping your home and business mail separate, which is smart to ensure you don’t miss any mail associated with your business and get it mixed up with your personal mail. You can get official emails for your business again with your hosting provider. Also, It can help as people are more confident in working with you if you have a business email, the best way to get a second address for your business is via getting a PO Box from your local post office and rent it for 3-6 or even 12 months for a physical address and protect your privacy.
Get a Separate Business Bank Account - Just like a business address, opening a separate business bank account would give a legitimate name and also keep your tabs on the revenue specially when your target audience is buying from you i.e (an e-commerce website). To open a business bank account, applying for it online is often easier, and this also allows you to apply at virtually any bank anywhere, even if it’s not near your business’ or home’s location. I usually recommend people to find a bank not very far from their reach.
Get a Corporate Merchant Account - A merchant account is an account that allows you to accept credit and debit card payments. However, you now have other options besides the traditional banks, including PayPal and Stripe. "Paypal and Stripe" are two companies who have excelled in merchant account business easily and hassle free. You can simply sign up for PayPal merchant account in a few easy registration steps. In addition, PayPal and Stripe don’t require a monthly fee or a contract, whereas traditional merchant accounts do.
Set up a New Google Account - If you don’t have a Google account already, go to and enter in the requested information. This will allow you to sign up for and use services such as Gmail, Google Analytics, and more. Once you have a Google Account, head over to, click on “Sign In” in the upper-right corner, click “Analytics,” then click the “Sign Up” button on the right side. Now, You can render “Data Sharing Settings", “Google products & services", "Benchmarking" tracking tools at your disposal to help boost your website with traffic.
While having your own website isn't actually going to earn millions on the 1st day or 1st month of your startup. It will take substantial patience and profitable ideas for niche and other factors to build your brand over the years and eventually make good earning.